I know I have talked about investing in a business as a way of moving to New Zealand before but we are seeing an increase in the amount of people we are assisting with this route to residence so I thought it was a good time to update and give an overview on this option that can really provide a solution to some people.
I moved to New Zealand on a Long Term Business Visa in 2003. One of the best things about this visa process is that it gives you a nice long timeframe where you can plan and make the move. The visa is also granted before you move which can minimise the risk involved i.e. you may be able to wait for the visa to be granted before you sell your house and make the move. Here are some of the benefits of this type of visa
- It allows you to set up or buy a business in New Zealand
- There is no minimum investment required
- your partner may get an open work visa allowing them to take any job
- it can lead to residency
- you have 9 months from the visa being granted to actually make the move
- you can choose where you want to live and set up your business in New Zealand
Of course there are lots of criteria to meet immigration policy and you will need the following
- previous experience of running a business (being the director or senior manager of a business may be sufficient)
- funds to support yourself during the period of the LTBV
- evidence of the benefit of your business to New Zealand
- a realistic and thorough business plan
There are other criteria to be met as well but anyone seriously interested can just leave a comment at the end of this blog and I will contact you. We know this is a popular option for people as we had almost 3000 replies to a recent survey we sent out before we had to stop the survey and handle the questions. Setting up and running a business is always full of challenges but doing this in a new country adds unique challenges. Luckily New Zealand has been voted the third easiest country to do business and you have people like me who have done this and can help you.
Investing in New Zealand
Some more good news it that there have recently been some changes in the investor policy for New Zealand. It is now possible to invest in residential property in New Zealand. There will be strict criteria around what investment is allowed but this is good news for investors who were not previously given this option.
You can also now transfer your money through non-bank money transfer companies and the criteria under Category 2 has been re-worded so that people who have 3 years business experience and have run a business with 5 or more full-time employees or a turnover of $1 Million + can now apply. Previously the criteria were 5 or more employees and a $1 Million + turnover. So it’s great to see that New Zealand is making some practical changes and making it clear that the country wants investors.
Australia too has options for business people and investors and we will be bringing an Australian expert in this area to our expos in the UK in July. He will be presenting at our seminars along with myself and giving you all the information you need.
New Zealand and Australia are lands of opportunity if you are willing to go out and chase it. I know from experience that you have to be 100% committed and that having expert help around you in the early stages can make all the difference.