What is the price of housing in New Zealand?
House prices and rent will vary greatly depending on the location you decide to move to. Our team will be able to guide you on this and offer some useful points of contact.
Start your journey to New Zealand…
More FAQs
After joining, how long will it take before I am able to move to New Zealand?
Does my CV have to be in a specific format for New Zealand?
Do I need references when applying for jobs in New Zealand?
What fees will I incur for your services?
What annual leave am I entitled to in NZ?
How much input and information will I have in terms of location?
Are my partner and children able to join me from the get-go?
How do I enquire about my partners work and visa for New Zealand?
Does New Zealand allow domestic animals entry?
Do you have a preferred moving company to help me with my move?
What is the price of housing in New Zealand?
How do I arrange my finances, phone and banking for New Zealand?