The New Zealand Green List

Get New Zealand residency the day you land: check out the Green List jobs with residency pathways! Immigration New Zealand created the Green List to fast-track residency pathways for certain occupations, and consists of two tiers.

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Apr 8, 2024

Breaking news – Immigration policy undergoes huge overhaul

Yesterday, the New Zealand Government announced changes to immigration policy, with immediate effect, which will impact the Accredited Employer Work Visa and some residence pathways.

We’ve outlined the major changes you need to know below.

New roles have been added to the green list:

Aviation Engineer Green List Roles in New Zealand

Aviation Engineer (Avionics, Aeronautical, Aerospace Engineer)

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Green List Roles in New Zealand

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Mechanical Engineering Technician Green List Role in New Zealand

Mechanical Engineering Technician

ICT and Database Systems Administrator Green List Roles in New Zealand

ICT and Database Systems Administrator

Naval Architect Green List Roles in New Zealand

Naval Architect (aka Marine Designer)

Corrections Officer Green List Roles in New Zealand

Corrections Officer (Tier 2)

Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) Scheme:

Shorter visa lengths and maximum stays:

Effective immediately, AEWV applicants in ANZSCO level 4 or 5 occupations will receive shorter visas, with a maximum length reduced to three years (2+1). They will no longer be entitled to apply for the balance of the five-year AEWV introduced last year.

Requirements for new applicants:

New AEWV applicants must have either three years or more of work experience or hold an NZQA assessed qualification at Level 4 or above, unless they earn double the median income, are on the Green List, or are eligible for the Work to Residence pathway.

English Language requirements:

Applicants in ANZSCO skill levels 4 and 5 must meet English language requirements with an IELTS score of 4 or a PTE score of 29, unless exempt from sitting a test.

How to check your skill level:

To check which skill level your occupation falls under, use the ANZSCO search facility here.

Other updates

Migrant High School leavers — School leavers who are awaiting the outcome of a family residence application will soon be granted work rights, effective around the middle of the year.

Bus and Truck drivers — The Work to Residence pathway for for Bus and Truck drivers is now closed to people who are not already working (or have applied to work) in a qualifying role as of April 7 2024.

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