The New Zealand Green List

Get New Zealand residency the day you land: check out the Green List jobs with residency pathways! Immigration New Zealand created the Green List to fast-track residency pathways for certain occupations, and consists of two tiers.

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Mar 21, 2024

How to move to New Zealand amid Immigration Policy changes 

Navigating the complexities of immigration policy changes and planning a move to New Zealand can seem daunting. However, with the right approach, the process can be simplified and made more accessible. Here’s how to tackle the various aspects of moving to New Zealand, from understanding policy changes to securing a job and choosing the right visa. 

How to Stay Informed on New Zealand’s Immigration Policy Changes: 

The past year has marked the most significant alterations in New Zealand’s immigration policies in over two decades. These changes impact the visa application process and eligibility criteria, making it essential for potential movers to stay updated.

We sat down with Kiwiamericans to discuss these immigration changes and how best to navigate your move to New Zealand in 2024.  Check it out: HERE 

How to Navigate the Job Offer Visa Catch-22: 

Many people face the dilemma where a job offer is required to obtain a visa, but a visa is often needed to secure a job offer, so they start the job search right away. By getting your visa sorted with us, you can be assured of the best pathway for your family to New Zealand. Once your pathway is determined, then you should start applying for jobs, as we can provide your potential employer proof that you will be able to obtain a visa.  Much of the information on the internet is outdated and does not reflect the current immigration process in New Zealand.

How to understand your visa options:

Gaining clarity on the various visa options available is crucial. New Zealand offers multiple visa types, each with its qualifications and circumstances. Start by completing our free appraisal, we’ll be able to provide personalised advice for your situation.

How to Adopt a targeted approach in your job application process:

The experiences of many people we talk to highlight the importance of a targeted job application strategy over a broad, unstructured approach. Focus on tailoring your CV and cover letter to match the job roles and industries you are applying for in New Zealand.  At Working In, we have a very practical approach to landing a job with an accredited employer.  Once you have your visa pathway sorted, we help you prepare your CV/Cover letter in a way that will help land a job in New Zealand. We are based in New Zealand and understand the market demand and highlight your skills and experiences that meet the New Zealand employers’ needs.

How to utilise available resources for planning your move:

In addition to visa and job search resources, Working In offers a relocation network that is second to none. We have relationships with moving companies, finance companies, and tax organisations. We can assist you in moving pets, booking flights and setting up life in New Zealand.  We have also partnered with Kiwiamericans who has an online community of support to help you set up life in New Zealand and thrive!  Together we can provide you with the easiest pathway to New Zealand!

Each step outlined above plays a vital role in successfully planning your move to New Zealand. From staying informed about immigration policy changes to understanding your visa options and adopting a targeted job application approach, these strategies will help you navigate the complexities of moving to New Zealand permanently.

Start your journey to New Zealand…

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