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Aug 7, 2012

Five reasons why New Zealand is better than Australia

Newspapers in the southern hemisphere have recently been dominated by stories of Kiwis packing up and heading over the ditch to Australia in record numbers. For the Australian news media (gleefully referring to these Kiwis as ‘refugees’), this is yet another example of the eternal battle – how much better Australia is than New Zealand. Which got us thinking…

So here’s our top five completely-unofficial-and-gathered-from-extensive-office-research* reasons why New Zealand is better than Australia:

1. Rugby

might have been founded by an English school boy picking up a ball and legging it down the pitch, but New Zealand is the undisputed home of rugby. Heck, it’s practically a religion. And do you need reminding it’s also the home of the reigning world champions of rugby, the mighty All Blacks? Thought not. Take that Oz.

2. Animals

Australia has plenty of animals that seem to be designed with the express purpose of being terrifyingly deadly. Crocodiles, Great White sharks, Box jellyfish, snakes, spiders and scorpions all like to call Australia home. In comparison, New Zealand has the Kiwi bird. The flightless, fluffy, nocturnal bird beloved by all for its plucky nature.

3. Pavlova

The creamy, crunchy, fruit-laden pav is the national dessert of New Zealand and Australia claiming it as its own doesn’t change that.

4. Ingenuity

Fancy rolling around in a giant inflatable hamster ball? Come and try Zorbing in New Zealand then. Got a hankering to throw yourself off a staggeringly high structure with a glorified elastic band around your ankles? Try the home of bungee jumping (that’ll be New Zealand). Kiwis are an ingenious bunch and if there’s some potential for pant-wettingly exciting adventure, they’ll find it.

5. Lord of the Rings

Enough said.

*Based on the opinions of roughly four people sat around me.

Over to you

What do you reckon? Which is better – Australia or New Zealand – and why?

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