The New Zealand Green List

Get New Zealand residency the day you land: check out the Green List jobs with residency pathways! Immigration New Zealand created the Green List to fast-track residency pathways for certain occupations, and consists of two tiers.

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Jan 1, 2016

New Year Resolutions

Wish you were here!

Another year, over and out. In New Zealand and Australia we’re all freshly back from the beach, while in Canada it’s been a more snowy, eggnoggy affair. It’s all good. The only thing missing is … you! What’s stopping you? 2016 can be your year to move.

Here are some tips to make your new life overseas come true.

  • Use our Working In job boards. They’ve got lots of jobs in many sectors, and every one of them has the welcome mat out for new migrants.
  • Use local recruitment agencies. If you find an agent that wants to put your name forward stick with them. They’ll be selling you whilst you’re fast asleep.
  • Engage a migration agent. They can be helpful especially if your occupation is in a ‘grey’ area (say if it’s not clearly identified on a Government list of skills in short supply).  Migration agents like ours can help you understand the best roles to apply for that make the most of your skills whilst fitting in with your destination country’s immigration requirements.
  • Research your preferred destination country, and build up a realistic image of what life will be like.
  • Focus on the goal and keep positive! Visa applications can require quite a bit of paperwork, so your determined attitude to see things through can be the deciding factor.

So, what’s stopping you? Here are some common challenges that we help people overcome every day:

I’ve got a visa, now I just need a job.

Congratulations! If you’ve gone through the hoops of getting a visa, then we’ve got employers lined up and ready to hire right now. Check out our Get in touch today for work in New ZealandAustralia or Canada. Or if you’re in the UK, come to one of our expos this March in London, Manchester and Glasgow. You’ll meet lots of employers from different countries, face to face. Literally hundreds of our expo attendees are now living happily overseas. You can join them!

I’ve sussed out the job, now I need a visa.

Good work! Now for the tough part: getting a work visa doesn’t happen overnight. Underestimating the visa application time is the most common reason for declined applications. The sad part is that most of those applicants would probably have got approved, if they hadn’t been in such a hurry! The visa application time varies, depending on about a gazillion variables. It might take a fortnight, a month or longer. Leaving the application to the last minute causes problems like job offers getting withdrawn, or errors in documentation, and then people get despondent. The Working In licensed immigration agents can help you get the timing right and maximise your chances of success.

So if you’ve already got a job offer, you need to get things moving. Get started now on your visa application for Australia , Canada and New Zealand.

My New Year’s resolution is to work abroad, but I’m not sure where to start.

It’s quite understandable: moving your life from one side of the world to the other has never been high on the list of easy things to do. There are three things you need to do to make it happen.

  1. Check out countries that interest you (go wild, it’s only a web search). Then choose one. Here’s the skinny on our three favourites:
  2. Get started on your visa application. We can help you with that for New Zealand, Australia and Canada. LINK “Visa”
  3. Research the job market, and then get one. We can help with that, too: New ZealandAustralia or Canada.

And check out our migration expos if you’re in the UK to meet face to face with employers ready to hire in Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

I want to do it, but I’m embarrassed about my past or my health.

The very fact that you’re even considering life in a new country means you’re probably doing something right. Every day at Working In we hear extraordinary stories about our clients’ lives. We promise every client 100% total discretion (which is a condition of our licence to operate as immigration advisors). And to be frank, we stopped getting shocked or embarrassed years ago. The more you tell us, the more accurately we can predict whether or not your application will work out. You can trust us to do right by you.

I’m ready to take the plunge, only, it’s kind of a hassle.

Lift up your finger. Easy does it. That’s good. Now open one of the following links:  Australia , Canada and New Zealand.

You will be connected with a team of licensed immigration advisors, dedicated to helping people do exactly what you are trying to do right now. It’s all our immigration consultants do, all day, every day. They’ll help you with all the hard parts, so they’re no longer hard. They’ll tell you which visa you should apply for, and whether you’re likely to get it approved, and what you have to do to get it. If there are any obstacles, they’ll know exactly how to overcome them. Working with a licensed advisor, you’ll be more likely to get your visa approved, and get it faster.

I’m out of excuses.

If you’ve got a taste for adventure, if you love different cultures and lifestyles, or if you enjoy your job and yearn for a change of scenery, what are you waiting for? Make 2016 the year of exploration! With the team at Working In behind you, you’ll be well prepared for the entire process, from the job search to the visa application and beyond. So, make 2016 your year of change, right now for moving to New ZealandAustralia or Canada.

Start your journey to New Zealand…

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