There’s nothing to stop you handling your own visa application. Plenty of people do. However, there are numerous pitfalls, and licensed immigration advisors bring a great deal of efficiency, expertise and quality to your application.
There’s nothing to stop you handling your own visa application. Plenty of people do. However, there are numerous pitfalls, and licensed immigration advisors bring a great deal of efficiency, expertise and quality to your application.
- You’re more likely to succeed using an immigration advisor, assuming you’re eligible.
- You’re more likely to complete your application with an advisor: it’s harder than most people realise.
- If you’re not eligible, you’ll find out faster (and probably cheaper) with an advisor than if you go it alone.
- New Zealand has strong regulations governing the conduct of licensed immigration advisors, ensuring minimum standards of quality, professionalism and ethics.
- With a few exceptions (lawyers, diplomats, etc.) anyone giving immigration advice without being licensed is breaking the law.
Licensed Immigration Advisors are accountable in their conduct to the Immigration Advisors’ Authority. Here you’ll find the code of conduct, as well as a list of licensed advisors. If they’re not on the list, they’re not licensed.