The New Zealand Green List

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Aug 30, 2017

Christchurch, New Zealand: World’s Next hotspot for Software Engineers

Software engineer. It’s a broad term, used freely within the technology industry, and can refer to a great many different professions within the sector. As a software developer, you come equipped with a raft of skills and qualifications, meaning the world really is your proverbial oyster when it comes to landing your dream job.

Even so, how many of you have actually considered leaving the comforts and familiar surroundings of your homeland to test yourself in a far away country bursting with exciting career opportunities? We only ask because that’s exactly what’s on the table at our two jobs expos this September – we’re heading to both London and Manchester to showcase just what your next career move could be and, just as importantly, where.

We’re bringing with us a wealth of respected, forward-thinking companies who are looking to take home the finest talent in their respective industries, and one of them – ARANZ Geo – have got their search light firmly centred on tempting software engineers to work for them in New Zealand.

Christchurch: Crying out for software engineers

We admit, the South Island city of Christchurch perhaps isn’t the first name on your mind when you think of the next technology hotspot, but delve a little deeper and you’ll find a veritable hive of activity going on in the ‘Garden City’.

Christchurch is currently undergoing something of a makeover – skilled workers across a variety of different sectors are being drafted in from around the globe to help with the ongoing rebuild of the city following the earthquakes of 2011. Indeed, some 30,000 professionals are needed over the next five years to help keep the rebuild on track, according to the Canterbury Employment and Skills Board – and in the wake of those earthquakes, opportunities have arisen for qualified professionals to make their mark on something worthwhile.

ARANZ Geo: looking for the best

One Christchurch company, in particular, is making waves in the technology sector. ARANZ Geo will be joining us in Manchester and London – they’re a highly specialised software company that continues to break the mould in their particular field. Just take a look at what they’re all about – we won’t go into all the details here – but even a cursory glance at their ethos, company culture and the fact that they strive to be the very best at what they do goes a long way to ensuring they can attract the very finest minds in their field. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

Not forgetting New Zealand…

Of course, you’d be moving to one of the most desirable countries to live on the planet. It’s true – the laid back lifestyle the Kiwi folk so love, a great work/life balance and the chance to explore sprawling forests, crystal lakes and sky-piercing mountains only add to New Zealand’s charms. If you still need a little convincing, we’ve come up with a few reasons that will give you that little nudge in the direction of Aotearoa.

A city on the up

As for Christchurch itself? Well, it’s a vibrant, cosmopolitan city that has long welcomed people from all walks of life. Packed full of history yet with a hip, modern atmosphere, the place affectionately known as ‘ChCh’ will intoxicate you with its rich mix of fine museums, eclectic restaurants, booming bar scene, verdant parks and well, just about anything else you can think of.

What’s more, the entirety of the South Island will be on your doorstep, so you can use your Christchurch home as a handy hub to explore your new surroundings – and you’ll be doing plenty of exploring!

So, fancy it? The team at ARANZ Geo will be on-hand at the expo to answer any questions you might have about their business, what they do and the software engineer role itself. Additionally, the guys and girls at Working In will also be ready to assist you with any queries or concerns that may arise when it comes to making the big move. We’ve been organising these sort of events since 1998 and will be with you every step of the way, from meeting you in Manchester or London to helping you secure that all-important work visa.

Be sure to get in touch with our friendly team if you’d like to find out more. We look forward to welcoming you!

Start your journey to New Zealand…

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